
January 7, 2020

What I See Happening In 2020

Happy New Year, operators! There is a real luxury in taking a couple weeks to recharge, refocus and prepare for a new…

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December 17, 2019

Newsletters Are A Must For Pubs If

I spend a lot of time thinking about newsletters. Whether it’s my day job where I think about how they can engage…

November 5, 2019

Figuring Out Why to Go Paid

With every media company looking at reader revenue and trying to figure out how they can introduce a paywall, there’s never really…

October 29, 2019

Your Newsroom Is Your Biggest Asset

Many replied to last Friday’s email about media entitlement. The feedback was, overall, quite positive. Everyone who replied wants to see media…

October 25, 2019

When Will Media Entitlement Go Away

Local media is struggling. It has been for a long time now. Once dependent on print, many local media companies never figured…

October 22, 2019

Does Verizon Want Out of Media?

When Verizon announced the sale of Tumblr, it was pretty obvious that the conglomerate was rethinking its strategy around media. Hans Vestberg,…